
Beach Clean Up

Help Us Keep the Beach Clean!

Friends of Bates Beach are strong environmentalists and have a reputation for keeping the beach clean, far cleaner than other comparable beaches.

Since 2009, several times a year, Friends of Bates Beach has organized and participated in Cleanup Days to help clean the beach from the Veneco Pier on the north to beyond the Point to the south (2.5 miles).

On any given weekend our Ambassadors will pass out trash bags to anyone who requests one on the beach.

It is particularly important that dog owners do their part!

  • Please pick up after your dog! Take the baggie back up to the trashcans in the Pavilion area at the top of the ramp.
  • Do not just toss the bags into the ocean when nobody is looking because the bags wash back up with the next tide.
  • Do not wedge them behind the concrete barrier holding back the cliff! Our Ambassador team will see you and call you out!

We Participate in the Annual California Beach Cleanup Day

In addition to our cleanup work throughout the year, on the third Saturday of each September, the California Coastal Commission jointly coordinates the Coastal Cleanup Day, when an army of volunteers clean beaches across the entire state.

In Santa Barbara County the Department of Public Works and County Parks Department jointly oversee the effort at over 40 beaches, streambeds, estuaries, and hiking trails. Hundreds of volunteers bring out several tons of trash each year.

While we appreciate those of you who just show up at the last minute, if we have a head count ahead of time, we can better prepare with enough rubber gloves, bags, and pens. RSVP to if you know in advance you will be participating.

Please Join Us for the Annual California Beach Cleanup Day!
North Rincon (Bates) Beach
Date and Time:
September 18, 2021,
9:00 am – Noon
Please bring your friends, kids, neighbors, etc.