

Help us restore a Safe, Clean and Legal Clothing-Optional Place on the Beach

Friends of Bates Beach is a division of the Southern California Naturist Association (SCNA), a California non-profit 501(c)7 corporation, which also manages our finances. Make a $25 donation to the cause and you may elect to receive the monthly SCNA newsletter. The newsletter provides information on all of the activities of the SCNA, including beach news and regional naturist news. More than an activities newsletter, it also keeps you informed about important news that southland naturists and interested supporters need to know!


Due to rising administrative costs, Friends of Bates Beach will begin charging nominal membership dues as of January 1, 2022. These dues will be $10 annually, the cost of one takeout meal per year. We must buy some new beach equipment, produce our newsletter, participate in the annual Independence Day parade through Carpinteria, and cover the anticipated costs of an information booth at the Carpinteria Avocado Festival. If we all pitch in, we can make these nominal dues rates work!

For the past ten years, the Southern California Naturist Association (SCNA) and the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) have subsidized these costs, but they want to see more participation from locals and those people actually using the beach. A lot goes on in the background to allow us to sit at the beach on a towel. It is not really free. These dues are separate from any dues you may be already paying to SCNA, AANR, or other local nudist clubs.

Current members of our Meetup group initially will have 90 days to pay their dues before the system automatically deletes their names. You can pay via PayPal or credit/debit card using the button below.

Thank you for understanding and for your continued support.

Gary Mussell, Director, Friends of Bates Beach

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Donate to Become a Friend of Bates Beach

Selecting the Donate button below opens a PayPal window where you can donate to Friends of Bates Beach. We can accept donations from your PayPal account, or any credit/debit card.

We also accept donations by mail or at our meetings. Contact Friends of Bates Beach for more information. Click here to contact us.

Donations to Friends of Bates Beach are not tax-deductible.

We Need Volunteers!

Friends of Bates Beach is a volunteer organization that only succeeds because people who believe as we do will step up to help.

Ways You Can Help Us:

We host a dinner meeting on the third Tuesday each month (April through October) in Carpinteria to plan our activities for the coming month. These may include a day at Bates Beach, It may include something as simple as sitting at a table collecting petition signatures, or attending a community event such as at the annual Avocado Festival, Earth Day Marketplace, or the Independence Weekend Parade, making purchases with $2 bills and talking to merchants, residents and visitors. Each September, we organize the annual North Rincon Beach effort for California Beach Cleanup Day.

We have also occsionally hosted the monthly Carpinteris Valley Chamber of Commerce Mixer.

We need volunteers to support all of these activities that go toward raising awareness and support for the restoration of Bates Beach.

Perhaps you don't have time for all that, but can help by becoming a Beach Ambassador to walk the beach the next time you are there to observe and report any activity that does not belong there.

In short, winning back the beach will take a little work from each of us, it won't just be handed to us. We believe that all beach users should have equal access to California’s beaches. Our goal is to have a beach which is legally clothing-optional. We have to earn it. Help us by doing your part!

Learn How You Can Help

Sign up on Meetup. To get more information about all the fun things were are doing, ign up so we can contact you throughout the year. Click here to join us on Meet Up.

If you want to volunteer some special skill or have personal contacts in Santa Barbara we might find useful, please drop us a personal note, so we can talk to you directly. Please include your name and contact information (mailing address, telephone, email address.) Click here to email us or to fill our our contact form.

You can also join us at one of our meetings. Click here to see a calendar of our events.

We Need Your Help

We need volunteers and financial donations to help achieve our goals!

Your donations help defray organizational expenses including keeping this website up to date.

Thank you for your support!